Mar 1, 2009

Focusing my PLN

Thought I would try a new font today.

A couple of quick little things, I spent some time today trying to modify the feeds to my RSS. I am thinking I need to add a few and get rid of a couple. Trouble is, much of what I subscribe to is interesting, I just need to narrow the focus for time management reasons.
I thought I would try to keep a few feeds of personal interest, as well s
ome of those related to my attempts to get current with the world of edtech (big dreams I know), and also try to find some feeds related to the previous + teaching high school science.

My blogging hopefully will not slow down now that I have completed the first module of my ongoing grad studies, and I do hope I can a) find a few science t
eachers out there and b) help them and c) get their help.

So, a couple of things to throw out there as of today:

Spent some time on the weekend playing with the 2D physics sandbox PHUN. Have not got it installed at school yet to try with Smartboard but found it to a pretty neat application although I am not sure how to apply it yet. I am looking for your ideas and/or comments.

Spent a few minutes searching for fix for a broken link on a nice bit of video analys
is lab work from UT Knoxville. They have put a number of videos (kinematics) online along with an interactive analysis feature as a way to do lab work virtually. We used it for conservation of momentum but there are many other options on offer including an index of demonstrations (useful ideas).

Finally, if you haven't already, check out the astronomy program Stellarium. It is AWESOME and FREE.

Final Reflections

OK, I have midterm reports due this week and a huge stack of marking. Half my day today was spent doing review with IB Physics kids (they write their mock exam on Tuesday) and the rest running around like an idiot trying to throw and catch a frisbee. I know I have to get this done.

In general I feel overwhelmed. I also feel somewhat ignorant (perhaps overwhelmingly ignorant!?!). I was checking out Kim's blog and was reading her comments and reflections about teaching this course and the sizable network that has formed. Clicking around I found the SUNY participants link containing literally all of the blogged comments of 50 participants in one place. Did I miss this link earlier? WOW!

So I read around and a couple of things caught my eye. It is interesting to see such a diverse group of people and so much good stuff to read - but not enought time right now. I certainly think I have made a great decision to work in Bangkok next year and look forward to meeting you all.

In other notes from my RSS, this made me laugh when I read it and then visualized how it would play out in my classroom (or at our next staff meeting), are you laughing too?

But I digress . . MY REFLECTIONS by d
avid young

Here is the list of what I have learned recently (with a small disclaimer that I probably learned tons more, and am still enthusiastic to continue learning so if I missed anything major, I apologize and please comment).
  1. I have so much more to learn
  2. Speed reading is a 21st century skill
  3. My Chinese ISP makes my life difficult: Part 1: no wet paint but thanks to Jeff and Hotspot shield I have managed to complete this course in between closing popup windows advertising screensavers, blackberries and "sex in your area" dating sites.
  4. My Chinese ISP makes my life difficult: Part 2: streaming of webcasts of ftf sessions painfully bouncy with disjointed audio as well. I think that not being in Bangkok did affect how much I got from this course AND, I also found that I only really met and collaborated with one person (out of 50+). I felt a bit disconnected and I am sure part of that is my own fault.
  5. Speaking of that one person, a shout goes out to Carole Henriot, a nice contact made, hope the francais exchange works out with Sylvain here in Beijing, and thanks for the blog support.
  6. UBD is everywhere - you cannot escape putting text into boxes no matter where you go.
  7. Hi to Mary Bellone whose thoughts on the new peer pressure post I found today when I followed the link from Kim's blog (see comment above). And I thought I was the only one.
  8. I know I need to get away from Google Blogger - my post is like 2" wide on a 21" monitor and I can't find an easy fix, damn you html. I also hate these crappy font choices
  9. The world needs a "look here blog" for some neat ideas about adopting 21st century skills in senior high school physics and chemistry curricula. Maybe I am the guy.
  10. I am doing OK in the world of integrating tech into my science classes. I know my focus is much different than alot of what I am seeing, hearing, reading about in terms of what we can do but I do thing the class WIKI is working and strangely growing (just add a litte water). I present as evidence an email I got today:

I am slowly learning to navigate more efficiently as well as speak the appropriate language. I have enjoyed reflecting in these blog posts although sometimes it bothers me that my ignorance is posted publicly for all to see. I have tried to not let that affect writing how I really feel (which is often uninformed but moving towards being more informed).

A big thanks to Jeff and Kim.